I am at such peace. I am content with nothingness or whatever comes my way. I have come to understand self & Self. The two can come together and co-exist in a healthy space.
I used to be ruled by all of my demons. And there were so many of them. They defined me, they owned me, they ruled me. I allowed it, because I didn't understand it or have the strength to embrace them, love them, appreciate them, take responsibility for them and then give them permission to go, to release them, as I no longer needed them. They no longer owned me, controlled me, and I no longer have to allow, as all I have to do is just "be".
Fear and submission to those "demons" was my safety. Were they my "dark" side, yes. Were they my past? Yes. Were they part of me? Somehow, yes. Are they still there? No. They don't even try to creep back in like they did for awhile. They don't keep me off balance any longer. They don't control my eating habits anymore. They don't interfere with my ego anymore.
Being aware is most important. Aware of thoughts & feelings at all times. Do they serve a healthy purpose in my "here & now"? If not, then I dismiss them with love, thank them for "checking in" & keeping me in "check", but there is just no space or place for them in my thoughts anymore.
I had so many demons, I was in utter & complete chaos all of the time. I was frantic with fear of "whatever"... as when we are in "that place" there is fear of virtually everything. Fear of not being good enough, fear of those who might hurt us, fear of failure, fear of having a car accident, fear of loss, fear of ... it goes on & on. Fear is self-created. Fear is perception. Understanding this, I no longer need fear. Fear needs me to thrive. When I took my power back from the fear, it left me to look for another "victim" to keep in fear... and there are so many willing to open their arms to invite it in, it didn't float around for even a second I am sure, before it found a new home.
Overcoming fear allowed me to remove obstacles of me getting in my way. Allowed me to release the need to be off balance. Allowed me to feel true and honest love & trust of self & Self. And when one can experience this state of understanding, fear no longer has a place in our thoughts or hearts.
There are those around me who feed off of fear. This is their issue, their obstacle, their experience they are to grow through. I can speak my truth for another to "hear" if they so choose. If it is meant for them, they will do so. If it is not, then it will just breeze right by. As my light continues to shine, those who are ready for such an experience are drawn to that light. Those lost in the darkness for now continue to stumble through looking for a glimmer of light. For those looking, I can be that light. It depends on our focus and where we have it pointed at any given moment of any given time. If one's eyes (aka heart) is closed to the desire to release those demons, because the fear is more comfortable, then they won't even be able to see my glimmer. Hopefully my light is bright enough to light a path for as many as possible to help them start to see the path of light that is before them.
Unconditional light & love always... may we all see the light of love before us at all times,
Me :)