Respect, honor & integrity are something that one learns through continual tests of trust with their own spirit/soul along the way. It is important to remember to "cut the energetic cord" of thought when you tell another "no" in the physical? It takes much awareness not to allow one's own thought energy to continue to be intertwined in an exchange that they wish to no longer participate in.
THAT part is where one learns to master their own energy. As respect for the soul self comes when one honors their OWN energy, WHILE honoring another.
Energy between souls have "ends" to them, where the energetic cords connect. Many disconnect from another but forget to disconnect their own end? The individual self sometimes forgets to say "no" and release the end that exists in their own mind's energy..... and to truly maintain clear energy one must do both in order to avoid the imbalances that occur for all involved in the exchange. <3