That goes for how others treat others and how we treat others (and ourselves).
We are all connected, all ONE. So how one treats another is how they are treating themselves.
Now, do we raise or lower our own vibrational frequency to match those who around us or do they raise/lower theirs to match ours? And how do we know?
If we perceive ourselves as "weak" and that others can "hurt" us, then we lower our vibrational frequency to attract all of those things that we "believe"; our thoughts. If another "hurts" us, betrays us, is unkind to us, that is the vibrational frequency that they are operating at for themselves. The only reason we were involved, suffered, were affected, is because there was some part of us operating at that vibrational frequency that needed that lesson in order to "pay attention", to learn, to heal.
As long as we continue that "exchange" or stay involved with that situation or person, then there is a lesson in it for each to still learn, to still heal.
It can seem to be the tiniest thing, but in essence the root or core of why we are there is much deeper. We can "search" for the reason by looking at the other person or ourself to "find" fault, or we can look at the situation as what purpose it served, what was low-vibration, why did I allow that exchange, what part of our soul needed healing.
When we change from a "he/she hurt me" to a "why did I choose this to learn from, to heal" then we take on awareness and move from a victim mentality and we start to raise our own vibration. The blame starts to fall away, as there is no fault in an equal exchange of love & healing for one's soul.
You are loved and a part of me, a part of the whole, one.
Be kind to yourself always.
In kindness and love,