So what happens? We shut down. "Protect the heart" at all costs, as it is vulnerable. It might get broken or damaged or feel pain. And what do we do? We "jump" into our intellect, our ego, our reasoning mind in order to cope, protect, deal. Wow, yeah, THAT makes it so much better!
The heart, the true heart, can't hurt a soul. It doesn't have the capacity. It feels what is right. It can't lie and has no need to. IT has nothing to hide. So when we go to that place of distrust, betrayal, competition, greed, and fear... none of those things are qualities of the heart... but the reasoning mind, the intellect, the ego.
The heart will be what allows us to transcend, the answers to our prayers, the end of the hurt & pain. The heart will guide us to be true to ourselves & absolutely everything else. The heart will be what heals the world, this universe, our souls.
The heart doesn't say, I am not good enough or I need to self-sabotage or inflict pain. The mind does that. The heart doesn't say "betray or don't trust". The mind does that. The absence of heart is how we get all messed up to start with. So how do we change it & turn it around?
First, we must stop punishing ourselves & others. Wanna cry, fine cry. It won't kill us. It actually release whatever it is that one holds onto in order to start the healing process. The emotional pain will remain until we release it. It will wreak havoc on our bodies. It will tear apart everything we have in order to stay hidden, remain suppressed. Once we embrace our hearts, find love for self and others, we open ourselves up to everything beautiful and wonderful that we deserve and desire. Until then we just continue to seek it without truly understanding. The heart understands absolutely everything.
The most phenomenal feeling is of total freedom to FEEL absolutely everything in a "being" of love. Everything becomes totally "right" and the energetic body raises to a point of uncontrollable vibration. It is at that point we reach a place of perfection that no words can actually explain. It is something we have to be able to feel. And we have to release fear of feeling and all control before we can ever accomplish this.