The new wave of Awakeners, they are in most need of direction and guidance. They are bound to figure it out "on their own" but we can help them stumble less, but only when they are ready.
We can provide tools without them even knowing that is what we are doing. As it is our "job" isn't it? It is not our place to "tell" anyone anything... but to lead the way with light, love, kindness and compassion. Sharing our own experiences & tools that we have come to realize/understand can help another expedite, but only if they are ready.
The one thing we have to do is come from a pure heart. We cannot allow our own stuff to get in the way. This is not about us any longer. As we ourselves continue to ascend, we are offered the continued opportunity to raise vibration & awareness.
So the next time you hear a desperate "empath" say that things are just too overwhelming or that they are picking up on low-vibrational frequencies, remember where we started and how important another was in our own growth. Then reach out your hand and offer love.