Those with immense soul karma will "house" a multitude of "physical symptoms" in their physical bodies. Most have no idea that this is what they are going through. For years I would get told "oh yeah, that's an ascension symptom". I don't know if the other person had any more idea what that was than I did. It was like speaking another language.
So, for the sake of those who don't understand (either), I will share my "experiences" with physical manifestations and my mutations (that I can recall). If it resonates, then awesome.
Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Migraines, Obesity, Back Pain (upper & lower), Edema, Addictions, Ringing in the Ears, Kidney Problems, Thyroid problems, Insomnia, Agoraphobia, Panic Attacks, Gout, Diabetes... and the list goes on & on.....
Now, for years I was a victim. I was a "tough survivor" which made me a victim with a closed heart. So when MY spirit tried to emerge and my soul began to awaken and come through, needless to say.... it was quite the internal battle.
My saying: The stronger our ego, the harder we fall. Because that is what it took to "break" me. But, it is in those "darkest" moments that the spark of light within ignites and pulls us through. It is that light that radiate and dispel the dark within us. One issue and trauma at a time or tons at once, dependent on the resistance of the reasoning egoic mind.
As a Lightworker, I now understand the purposes (and there are a multitude) in every experience, every healing, every pain. I have been "shown" the karma behind every physical manifestation and how to clear it. I also was one of those who had to "suffer" through each thing in order to learn so that I could help another. I chose a multitude of experiences to learn from, which allows me to help absolutely everyone who comes with an open heart and desire to heal.
The experiences I have been blessed to have to this point are absolutely amazing. I no longer see good or bad or have judgement. I no longer see separation and have gone further to understand that "I" don't matter, in the capacity of what I am here to do. Coming to that place gives me complete peace and the ability to help another from a place of compassion and love. I can FEEL compassion and love with discernment, BECAUSE I experienced it, yet no longer have an emotional attachment to my own. Those cords have been cut and the karma resolved in order to make them but a blip to access to help another.
The reality that I live in is one of peace and nothing but light. It is pain free, perfect health and love. It is in service at all times to humanity.
We choose our realities according to our vibrational frequencies. We have to walk through the lower frequencies to clear and maintain the higher frequencies.
Others see "issues" as faults. As one ascends, they start to understand them as beautiful and amazing opportunities to heal and help others. Victimhood, guilt & blame turn to appreciation and complete gratitude. This too is an indication of light!
I am here to help raise vibrational frequencies, transmit light energy & activate codes and assist with integration. MY soul chose the darkest dark to walk through to be the brightest light. If you identify with this, then maybe yours did too.